The Irwin Scholarships promote and support piping and side drumming by providing scholarships to Junior musicians (under 18 by January 1 of the year in which the scholarship is awarded). Scholarships are announced at the MWPBA Annual General Meeting in November.
Piping Scholarships will be awarded to up to six participants each year in the Final Champion Supreme Standings of the Midwest Pipe Band Association (MWPBA) in the Grade 3 and Grade 4 Junior categories.
Side drumming Scholarships will be awarded to up to six participants each year in the Final Champion Supreme Standings of the Midwest Pipe Band Association (MWPBA) in the Grade 3 and Grade 4 categories.
Nominally the top three musicians placing in the top 6 of each of the grades will receive online instruction by premier instructors (owing to time differences, the instructors are generally in the US and Canada): Highest placing will receive four lessons, second highest placing receives three lessons and third highest placing receives two lessons. If there are not three junior musicians in the top 6 places in Grade 3, additional awards will be made in the Grade 4 category.
Lesson dates to be arranged between the winners and instructors but must be completed by May 15 following the year in which the scholarship was announced. The instructors are paid directly by the MWPBA.
Robert Irwin (1620-1645) was a Scottish patriot who lost his life serving Scotland during the First English Civil War.