Wisconsin Highland Games
Pipe & Drum Contest

Top Piper Award

The Waukesha Games awards a medal with a gold ribbon to the Top Piper in each of Grades 1, 2 and 3 (grades that have at least 3 Light Music Sanctioned events). This is in addition to the medals received in individual events.

The Top 6 in each event (including Piobaireachd) get points: 6 for 1st place, 5 for 2nd place, etc down to 1 for 6th place. Points remain the same if there are fewer than 6 pipers competing. If an event is split into two groups, the top 6 pipers in each group receive points as listed above. Breakdowns and DQs receive 0 points.

The Top Piper grade is the piper's grade for Light Music. If a piper does not compete in same grade or higher for Piobaireachd, the piper receives zero points for the piobaireachd portion of the Top Piper tabulation. If the piper plays in a higher grade for piobaireachd, the piper receives the points in that grade's standings.

Best cumulative score wins Top Piper in that grade.

Tie Breakers:
A) Most number of first place finishes
B) Best Piobaireachd
C) Best 2/4 March in Gr 2 and Gr 3; Best MSR in Gr 1
D) Best SR in Gr 2 and Gr 3; Best 6/8 March in Gr 1
E) Best 6/8 March in Gr 2 and Gr 3; Best H/J in Gr 1
F) Best Jig in Gr 2

For the Top Piper award to be made in a grade, there must be at least two pipers who finished all events. That is, no award will be made by default.

Top Piper awards will be announced at the Massed Bands awards ceremony.

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